Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was a late bloomer. It's not hard to deal with the peer pressure of whether or not to have sex if no one wants to have sex with you. Even if someone wanted to have sex with me, I was raised a Roman Catholic and wanted to wait for marriage. Plus, I didn't want to be known as a slut. I went to a small high school. Everyone knew each other's business. At my 20th high school reunion my boyfriend took a poll. When he asked people what I was like in high school the number one response was, "She was real smart."

Once the bloom hit I felt like a superhero with a new power. A smile and a low cut shirt could accomplish anything. I didn't need to talk much to get out of traffic tickets. I could go anywhere (which came in real handy as an aspiring newspaper reporter) and the free meals and cocktails kept me fed and social in college. I couldn't believe how easy everything suddenly was.

I was fine until a look of real desire was directed toward me. I would become uncomfortable. I spent some time trying to figure out why and found the answer - I was full of desire and I wanted to have sex.

That look

used to scare me

when I was young

Old fairy tales

remain in my mind

of a flesh-starved werewolf

hidden in a man seemingly kind

And as I got older

it made me take offense

"Love is not lust"

said Catholic ignorance

But I saw that look again

and smiled and realized

That look from you was the

reflection from my eyes.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Favorite Things

The smell of a flower

Camomile tea

A smile from my lover

The shade of a tree

The crash of blue crystal water

against rocks on an unknown beach

The echo of my mother's laughter

on the phone, when out of reach

A dragonfly in flight

The dance of a bee

A warm hand in mine

A midnight treat

The taste

of homemade food

secret ingredient

love love love

The touch

of silky smooth fur

on my loving cat

rub rub rub

The beat of a drum

A sincere embrace

Grass on bare feet

Your strong sweet face

At one point I realized that most of the poems I liked best that were written by me were not so upbeat. I wondered what happy topic I could write a poem about. Everything came out corny so I decided to make a list (an homage to The Sound of Music).

I checked the date I wrote this poem. I was certain the references were things I shared with my boyfriend who I will be celebrating a 5th anniversary with (he's a drummer who gives great hugs, loves late night snacks, and knows of a secluded beach). Instead, this poem was written a couple of years before I met him when I was single. According to my journal, the "strong sweet face" belonged to someone I hoped I would meet who would embody the characteristics most important to me. Someone with strength of mind and body and a sweetness that guided his heart and actions. Someone who would stand up to me using logic and humor. Someone I didn't think existed - until 5 years ago.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dreams Can Come True

frantic dream
we lick bare skin
our sweat smooth
Luscious heaving breast
moan pant shake scream
You me fall
say love
stare in beauty
say soar
like a sea
under spring sun
Blood like music
red symphony
swimming through you
and me

Our New Cat

My houseguest has become a part of my family! She's not the scrawny cat who came to visit. She is a strong, fluffy, playful cat! New pictures coming soon ...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Phil G.

When I started reading my poetry in front of other people I felt exposed, vulnerable, and free. The thoughts and feelings that I had shared only with myself in an indescribable state of creativity were being spoken out loud. It was intimidating yet liberating.

My first reading was in Sacramento. I was excited and terrified. The owner of a clothing shop in downtown encouraged unknown poets to come by and read their work. Towards the front door a man with a head full of grey hair was standing. His smile was so kind that I almost convinced myself he was some kind of angel that only I could see. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and began. It felt great! After each poem I would look up and search for his eyes. Each time I'd see that kind smile and my confidence would rev up for the next poem.

When I was done reading, my friends and family were quick to surround me and congratulate me. The man with the grey hair approached me and handed me a piece of paper, told me he liked my poems and silently walked away.

I looked at the green piece of paper that had been folded in half. He had written something...

Gina En La Tarde
The third time
Leaving her alma
Open to the world
words like espantos
That no person
Has Seen
As she lets
Them fly the air
For a short time
Of trust
He signed it but I didn't recognize his name. It wasn't until years later that I saw his name again and learned who he was. He had passed away, and I'm convinced, was finally given a pair of wings.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The First Time

I don't remember what it was like to not be able to read. Before starting kindergarten, one of my favorite things to do was to cuddle up next to my mother as she read to me. A book junkie herself, my mother would take us to the library when they hosted events for children. When I started kindergarten I was bored. My boredom stopped the day my teacher asked the class to write a poem about our favorite color. I knew what a poem was but I had no idea how I was going to pick one color to write about. I liked all colors! The classroom was buzzing with the sounds of ideas, questions, and grown up voices giving suggestions and answers. I looked across the room and the buzzing faded away. For the first time I had locked eyes with a boy who made me forget about everything except the blue in his eyes. We stared at each other the way little kids do - shameless, curious, and innocent. I didn't have the knowledge or words to know that I had just realized my first crush. I knew my new favorite color was blue and I wrote this poem.
BLUE is the color of the sky that spreads over the earth
BLUE is the color of jeans and all those wonderful jellybeans
BLUE is the color of water we need for our thirst
BLUE is the color of eyes that stare first

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Remembering Katie

Happy Birthday
to you
ashes scattered by the fingertips of the wind
A collection of faces silently wondering where you've been
Together they sit and remember your name
Uncomfortable laughter uncomfortable pain
And here I am
alone with you
Your formless breath
settles like dew
upon the surface of my heart
once drenched in sadness
and in anger torn apart
I breathe out and I breathe in
Your presence carried
by the hands of the wind
Happy Birthday
to you.

I remember the day I met Katie. We had a mutual friend who couldn't wait for us to meet. We drove out to the coast where Katie lived and it was a sunny, breezy day. The three of us laughed all day! Katie was intelligent, insightful, and wickedly funny.

I knew her casually for the first couple of years and fortunately got to know her better during what would be her last year. I knew her health was getting worse and that there wasn't much time. I asked myself if I was ready for this kind of a loss. I decided I was more ready for what she would bring into my heart by becoming a closer friend.

The day of the funeral was brutal. I admired our mutual friend for her composure and grace in what was more painful for her (she had been Katie's friend since they were children), but that is her nature. I'm different.

I have a red hot button labeled "anger" inside me. When a specific person approached the podium to talk about Katie I was outraged. There was a history between Katie and this person. I knew Katie loved this person and had made her peace with said individual long before dying, but I had a harder time forgiving and forgetting. I was sitting near the front of the church. I stood up in the middle of what my rage considered lies, disrespect, and general bull****. I noisily and roughly made my way down the row of seated mourners to the middle aisle of the church. When I reached the door I swung it open and slammed it behind me with all my adrenalin powered strength.

I was in a rage. I paced outside the building, shaking and making little animal sounds, trying not to scream. When the anger passed I felt like I had been the one who was disrespectful. Why couldn't I be more forgiving like Katie? Why couldn't I hold it together like our mutual friend? I felt guilty for what I had done. I sat inside our mutual friend's car with her dog and cried into his furry neck.

A year later Katie's family and friends organized a get-together to remember her life. That's when I wrote this poem.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Houseguest

I woke up this morning wondering if the cat was still visiting. I looked into her green eyes and knew her status had changed from "Lost Cat" to "Houseguest." After spending time watching her enjoy her lunch and sitting with her spiraled in my lap, I am covered in her soft black and white fur. I just finished completing the application to volunteer at one of the local shelters that focuses on women and their children. It's a three step process to become a volunteer. I'll need to pass the interview and complete an orientation and on the job training.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Lost Cat

Tonight when I came home from work a black and white cat was sitting on my front fence. I hadn't seen this cat before. It didn't belong to a neighbor and it wasn't part of the usual feral crowd. As soon as I started to walk towards it, it started to meow and approach me. I'll admit I started talking to it asking who it was and where it came from. I stretched out my hand and it rubbed its white fluffy head against my fingers. The cat is now curled up in a cardboard box on the porch with an old towel and a belly full of food.

Earlier today I discovered a blog by Nick Mele, a former diplomat and current Peace Activist. His entries about the homeless were in my mind while I found it so easy to care for a homeless cat. I live in a community that cares about its homeless so well that I have neglected to ask, "What can I do to help?"

I've written poems in an attempt to promote awareness but tonight that doesn't seem like enough.