Saturday, August 8, 2020

Not Jane the Virgin

"You go girl, Jane the Virgin." 

That was the review left in 2018, along with 5 stars for my book of poetry, "I Bite Into the Apple." Yes, I haven't checked the reviews in years, so I just discovered this a couple of weeks ago. I share a name with the below award-winning actress named Gina Rodriguez who starred in a T.V. series called, "Jane the Virgin." 

When I self-published my book in 2005, I thought my second book would be out by 2010. I was on fire! Poetry readings, book sales, open mics. Here we are, 15 years later, and it's not out...yet. But it will happen. 

This next photo is of me from this year.

The past several years I've been focusing on my day job, which isn't Poetry. You know that saying about finding a job doing something you like means you'll never "work" a day in your life? It doesn't apply to me. I love my job, but I work my butt off! I'm thankful to still have a job during this pandemic. 

Even though Poetry isn't my "job," I wouldn't describe it as a Hobby either. Being a poet is part of who I am, and has been since I wrote my first poem when I was 5 years old.  The next photo is from my 4th birthday, close enough!

So, although I've neglected this blog for about 6 years, I haven't stopped writing. Other than things like eating, drinking, and breathing, I can't think of anything else, besides writing poetry and eating cake, that I do today that I've been doing since I was 5 years old.

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