Friday, February 20, 2009

Self Discovery

Woman does not need man
Her own strength and fire
she easily commands
To help her conquer
day by day
man made obstacles
in her way
She is Nature
Powerful and Wild
Beautiful, Unpredictable
Wise and Mild
Her pleasures are created
by her seemingly delicate hand
Her destructiveness controlled
by a promise to hurt no man
All woman needs
is herself.

One morning I woke up and felt, well, frisky. After bringing a smile to my face, I realized that the time I spent with myself was more satisfying than the clumsy experiences I was having at the time in my early twenties. It was like when my friends told me about how great a movie was and then I couldn't wait to see it. When I finally did, it wasn't as great as I had expected. Then I started to think about how distracted I had become once I started having sex.

Instead of focusing on my education and walking around feeling confident, I had allowed myself to think that my value was related to how often I was having sex. This was disturbing to me since I had always valued how smart, and capable I was.

I became angry with myself. How had I allowed this to happen? Inside my head I screamed, "Forget about men and sex! Remember the power of being a smart, capable woman free from the idiocy and distractions of the mainstream! There is nothing a man can do for you that you can't do yourself - even in the bedroom!"

Sunday, February 15, 2009


When I fell in love for the first time I thought the relationship was going to last forever. At 19 years old I felt like I had waited a long time to finally meet "the one." It was an exciting and unforgetable adventure into the heart and mind of another. I looked forward to the emotional and physical intimacy that would come with this love.

To walk with you and hold your hand
Thrills me like no other can
To feel your fingers through my hair
Drops my defenses leaving me bare
Your soft warm kisses mixed with passion grow
Until shivering and quivering I have lost control

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Way I Like to Remember You

I thought of you today

I thought of what to say

But not one word filled my head

I dreamed of you last night

I dreamed you held me tight

Then the words seemed to drift

from a source in my bed

they said

Perhaps it's better this way

To only dream of you each day

In my dreams we have no end

No pain from a breakup so then

I quickly shut my eyes

And hurried off to sleep

despite the moonlit skies

and bright moonlight beams

Now close your eyes my love

I'll see you in my dreams

I recently joined Facebook and I can't believe how many people from my high school days are members! It's fun to see the faces of people I grew up with. I can still see the teenager in them.

During high school I had some really good friends. One of them was a guy who was younger than me. I loved him (in a deep friend way). When I started to date my first boyfriend, my friend was upset and expressed feelings I didn't know existed. I entertained the thought of ending the relationship with my boyfriend to start something new (and terrifying) with my friend. I thought the boyfriend thing would run its course but that my friendship would last my lifetime. I didn't want to lose my friend. I chose to stay in the relationship with my boyfriend and unfortunately, lost my friend.