Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Way I Like to Remember You

I thought of you today

I thought of what to say

But not one word filled my head

I dreamed of you last night

I dreamed you held me tight

Then the words seemed to drift

from a source in my bed

they said

Perhaps it's better this way

To only dream of you each day

In my dreams we have no end

No pain from a breakup so then

I quickly shut my eyes

And hurried off to sleep

despite the moonlit skies

and bright moonlight beams

Now close your eyes my love

I'll see you in my dreams

I recently joined Facebook and I can't believe how many people from my high school days are members! It's fun to see the faces of people I grew up with. I can still see the teenager in them.

During high school I had some really good friends. One of them was a guy who was younger than me. I loved him (in a deep friend way). When I started to date my first boyfriend, my friend was upset and expressed feelings I didn't know existed. I entertained the thought of ending the relationship with my boyfriend to start something new (and terrifying) with my friend. I thought the boyfriend thing would run its course but that my friendship would last my lifetime. I didn't want to lose my friend. I chose to stay in the relationship with my boyfriend and unfortunately, lost my friend.

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